New Publishing: Critical Military Studies, London, Volume 9 #2, May 2023

Critical Military Studies, London, Volume 9 #2, May 2023

In this article I share my experience of using William Blake’s 1793 poem ‘America a Prophecy’ as a lens to explore the mythic, subconscious and literary constructions of military interventions in the Indo-Pacific for my 2021 painting ‘Australia a Prophecy’.

It is a 2000 word essay accompanying that painting. It’s been a little wait for this print edition of my article first published online in June 2022, so thanks for your patience, and I thank again Critical Military Studies who have published my post today in their Volume 9, #2, 2023 issue. I have several previous posts in both my Media and Studio Blogs, as well as my AUKUS Chronicles, so please visit those and have a read.

My article is not open access (free to read), but you can purchase it from Rutledge or read the author’s accepted manuscript as a pdf.

Carl Gopalkrishnan (aka Gopal)

Over the past two decades, Carl Gopalkrishnan's artwork has garnered international recognition for its ability to forge meaningful connections between cultural narratives in art and literature and the complex dynamics driving international law, intervention, and global conflict. Carl transforms our familiar cultural artefacts into new myths. Through his art he opens a door for legal and military minds to explore the creative, subconscious, and emotional nuances underlying doctrines that shape war and peace.

Studio Diaries: My past visual diaries speak to the present disintegrations of the American dream


A repeat performance proves that The Lion, truly, Never Sleeps