In Memoriam: Rest in Peace Dad

Ramanathan Gopalkrishnan 1933-2018

Dad 1972 Sweden

Family holidays with my Dad at the beach in Spain 1971

Carl Gopalkrishnan (aka Gopal)

Over the past two decades, Carl Gopalkrishnan's artwork has garnered international recognition for its ability to forge meaningful connections between cultural narratives in art and literature and the complex dynamics driving international law, intervention, and global conflict. Carl transforms our familiar cultural artefacts into new myths. Through his art he opens a door for legal and military minds to explore the creative, subconscious, and emotional nuances underlying doctrines that shape war and peace.

Collie Art Prize 2018: Who’d have thought my triptych ‘Bombshell’ about young, white, fashionable terrorists would make the finalists’ show?


New book cover: Kyle Grayson’s book on drones and targeted killing, Routledge, London 2017