AUKUS Chronicles: The Mental Fight (Lamb of God), unique state print, watercolour

The Mental Fight. Unique state watercolour on drypoint print. Copyright © Carl Gopalkrishnan

A watercolour unique state version of my drypoint print The Mental State/Lamb of God (2023). A unique state is a one-off art piece because the artist changes the print by applying other media such as paint or gold leaf. As with the print, the theme is the same, and I did a post about this a while back. The colour changes the meaning for me. It felt unworldly, transparent, like a prayer when you are too exhausted to pray and it feels rather mechanical. Such has been the global coming together this month in deep emotions.

Carl Gopalkrishnan (aka Gopal)

Over the past two decades, Carl Gopalkrishnan's artwork has garnered international recognition for its ability to forge meaningful connections between cultural narratives in art and literature and the complex dynamics driving international law, intervention, and global conflict. Carl transforms our familiar cultural artefacts into new myths. Through his art he opens a door for legal and military minds to explore the creative, subconscious, and emotional nuances underlying doctrines that shape war and peace.

Rearview Mirror: 2010 Studio diaries after the Gaza War 2008-09; & Wikileaks 2010


Commentary: Keeping a tiny sliver of hope alive as we journey through grief