New book cover: Kyle Grayson’s book on drones and targeted killing, Routledge, London 2017

Book cover art for Routledge, London 2017

Professor Kyle Grayson is Professor in Security, Politics, and Culture at Newcastle University, UK. His research interests are in the areas of political violence, security, culture, identity, and critical social theory. He is a leading researcher and thinker on how culture influences international conflicts and military intervention. I was so pleased when Kyle Grayson connected with my work at the 2012 Hitting the Target workshop at the University of Surrey and later asked me if Routledge could use my painting There is Nothing Like a Drone (2011) for his new book on targeted killing.  It’s a powerful book and I am so glad to be able to assist Kyle in his important work.

Introduction Excerpt

The deployment of remotely piloted air platforms (RPAs) – or drones – has become a defining feature of contemporary counter-insurgency operations. Scholarly analysis and public debate has primarily focused on two issues: the legality of targeted killing and whether the practice is effective at disrupting insurgency networks, and the intensive media and activist scrutiny of the policy processes through which targeted killing decisions have been made. While contributing to these ongoing discussions, this book aims to determine how targeted killing has become possible in contemporary counter-insurgency operations undertaken by liberal regimes.

Demonstrating how the current social relations prevalent in liberal societies contain the potential for targeted killing as a normal rather than extraordinary practice, the book will be of great use to academic specialists and graduate students in international studies, geography, sociology, cultural studies and legal studies.

Buy from all major bookstores or direct from Routledge UK

From the author

"Carl's art is profoundly unique, using mixed methods and materials to create arresting images that captivate viewers. Dream-like in their presentation, and often focusing on representing the familiar in unfamiliar ways, his paintings capture moods through Carl's use of colour, symbolism, and light. I was very excited to be able to feature his 2011 painting 'There is Nothing Like a Drone' on the front cover of my recent book 'The Cultural Politics of Targeted Killing'.

Feedback I have received about the cover has been excellent and the image has helped to distinguish the book from others. Carl's art work thus not only provided a memorable image that captured the essence of the book but it also contributed to giving it a distinctive identity. People continue to comment about the painting and ask me about its provenance. Such ongoing interest is a testament to Carl's talents as an artist".  

Dr Kyle Grayson, 24-12-2017, Professor in Security, Politics, and Culture at Newcastle University

Carl Gopalkrishnan (aka Gopal)

Over the past two decades, Carl Gopalkrishnan's artwork has garnered international recognition for his ability to forge meaningful connections between the cultural narratives found in art and literature & the complex dynamics driving international law, intervention and global conflict. Through his art, Carl provides a platform for legal and military analysts to explore the creative, subconscious and emotional nuances underlying the doctrines that influence matters of war and peace. His paintings continue to foster constructive dialogues about the role of creativity in shaping our world.

In Memoriam: Rest in Peace Dad


Life drawing nights in Melbourne CBD, rusty but fun return to live drawing.